First Reviews for PRELUDE TO A KISS – raves all around!
We got our first reviews in for Prelude to a Kiss – and they both highlight how beautiful and touching this production is.
First out of the gate was TheatreStorm’s Charles Kruger, who wrote:
“Allison Page as Rita and Richard Wenzel as the Old Man are entirely up to the task, delivering sterling performances good enough to send chills of wonder up our spines. They are supported by a skilled company throughout, with Nick Trengove exceptionally charming as Peter, the confused young husband who must provide the emotional backbone of the play.
Director Stuart Bousel applies his usual deft touch to the dialogue and the movement, keeping the stage picture interesting at all times and plumbing the language for layers of meaning. A wonderful set by Andrew Cummings features a constantly moving cyclorama projection of clouds (created by Maxx Kurzunski), evoking an eerie feeling of otherworldliness and the quick passage of time.” Read the entire review at https://theatrestorm.com/2013/05/23/review-prelude-to-a-kiss-at-custommade-theatre-company/
Next, Talkin’ Broadway’s Richard Connema chimed in, calling the production “inventive” and says that “Richard Wenzel (Old Man) … is a marvelously unsentimental actor whose economy of means works well for him in this production. His calm delivery of a long monologue describing in gray detail the wearying trek from cradle to grave leaves the audience a heart-rendering serenity.”
Read the whole review at https://forallevents.info/reviews/an-inventive-production-of-craig-lucas-prelude-to-a-kiss/

The “little man” is clapping for WHY TORTURE IS WRONG…!
Our first review is in, and its a big one. The San Francisco Chronicle covered our opening night and we are thrilled to share this very positive review!
Robert Hurwitt, the dean of SF critics, writes, “The comedy and theatrical invention in “Why Torture Is Wrong, and the People Who Love Them” are as zany and pointed as you’d expect from Christopher Durang… much of the comedy is as immediate as today’s debates about gun control, pre-emptive drone strikes and (courtesy of “Zero Dark Thirty”) “enhanced” interrogation techniques…. Durang’s provocative comedy offers considerable rewards.”
Read more: https://www.sfgate.com/performance/article/Why-Torture-Is-Wrong-review-4200017.php#ixzz2ICPLYGRi
Read more: https://www.sfgate.com/performance/article/Why-Torture-Is-Wrong-review-4200017.php#ixzz2ICP7nWRC

First Review for DONUTS is in and it is a rave!
Linda Ayres-Frederick caught our last preview, and she loved our DONUTS. Check out the full review!

More raves for “The Play About the Baby!”
Catching up a bit on reviews, but they have all been fantastic!
“This production evokes new appreciation of the clicking mind behind one of America’s theatrical treasures.” – Stacy Trevenon, Stage and Cinema
“…a polished gem of black comedy.” – Charles Kruger , Examiner.com
Director Brian Katz’s production is surreal, riotous, troubling, intimate and heartbreaking….This is a must for Albee fans and a pleasing outing for anyone who enjoys thinking person’s drama.” – Richard Connema, Forallevents.
Woot! Come check out what all the raving is about – only eight shows left!

First two reviews for THE PLAY ABOUT THE BABY are in!
We got our first two reviews today, and they are both very positive.
First from Lee Hartgrave, writing for ForAllEvents.com
“The Actors are “Awesome!”… They deserve a couple of Oscars… What a show! – “Wonderful and imaginative!” 4/4 Glasses of Champaign. (ed-Yum!)
And next from Kedar Adour, our Theatre MD (never a bad idea to have around!)
“a great cast… devious and inventive… this reviewer highly recommends seeing another side of Albee….you should not miss this production!”