The “little man” is clapping for WHY TORTURE IS WRONG…!
Our first review is in, and its a big one. The San Francisco Chronicle covered our opening night and we are thrilled to share this very positive review!
Robert Hurwitt, the dean of SF critics, writes, “The comedy and theatrical invention in “Why Torture Is Wrong, and the People Who Love Them” are as zany and pointed as you’d expect from Christopher Durang… much of the comedy is as immediate as today’s debates about gun control, pre-emptive drone strikes and (courtesy of “Zero Dark Thirty”) “enhanced” interrogation techniques…. Durang’s provocative comedy offers considerable rewards.”
Read more: https://www.sfgate.com/performance/article/Why-Torture-Is-Wrong-review-4200017.php#ixzz2ICPLYGRi
Read more: https://www.sfgate.com/performance/article/Why-Torture-Is-Wrong-review-4200017.php#ixzz2ICP7nWRC