by Brian | Aug 3, 2014 | Uncategorized
The Custom Made Theatre Co is holding an open call for:
The Braggart Soldier (or Major Blowhard) by Plautus, adapted and directed by Evren Odcikin
At Gough Street Playhouse, 1620 Gough St (at Bush) SF, on Tuesday, September 2nd and Thursday September 4th, with 30 minute slots available from 6:30pm-10:30pm on both days. You must make an appointment (see below). Only sign up for 1 appointment.
Sign up for an appointment here:
Save the Date: Callback will be Saturday September 06 10:00am-1:00pm.
THE PLAYERS – Does this sound like you?
All actors must have great comedic chops. Physical comedy experience/training would be desirable.
Major Topple d’Acropolis: A rich soldier with a big personality and not much else. He thinks very highly of himself. A serious womanizer. Male, 30-40s.
Haplus: Major’s slave. A little slow and prone to panic. Loves his food and his wine. Any gender, any age.
Nautikles: A young man in love. Puppy eyes. Male, 20s
Dexter: Nautikles’s servant. Smart, bold, sneaky. Never misses an opportunity for a joke or to make a fool of someone. Fast-talker and a faster-mover. This actor must have clown/physical comedy training. Male, any age.
Hospitalides: Older relative/host of Nautikles. Not afraid to give his opinion and will go to great lengths to shame the Major. Male, 50s+.
Convivia: A working girl. Ingenue with a twist. Might seems innocent, but knows how to get things done. Female, 20s
Climax: Another working girl. NOT an ingenue. Knows she is sexy and knows how to use it. Female, any age.
Please select and prepare the sides for the roles you would like to be considered for. The sides and a copy of the scripts can be found at the bottom of this notice
Rehearsals will begin around February 23, 2015. Performances will be Thurs-Sun evenings starting on March 27, 2015 running though April 26 with a possible extension through May 03. There will be one of two Sunday matinees in the run, still TBD.
$200 base stipend for all roles + $10/each extended performance.
About Braggart Soldier
This fast and furious mash-up of Plautus proves (as if we didn’t know it) that Roman comedies never get old, they just get funnier! If you’ve seen Sondheim’s A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Forum, you already know that Plautus was a major influence for every possible style of comedy through the ages, as there’s still nothing more hysterical than the pompous and mighty taking it on chin. The Braggart Soldier features the hijinks you’d expect and, in true Custom Made fashion, without a safety net! _________________________________________________________________
The script: BraggartSoldier_Script
The sides:
by Brian | Jun 24, 2014 | Blog, Uncategorized
“A standout feature of this production is Bousel’s kaleidescopic staging. By moving through the early scenes at such high speed, he is able to shift the stage picture almost continuously, blurring the line between dramatic staging and dance. His placement of actors is as carefully composed as in a painting and carries a great deal of emotional weight. The capable cast includes many fine performances, with especially good work by Peter Townley as John Proctor and Juliana Lustenader as Abigail Williams…. Arthur Miller fans should be quite pleased.” Charles Kruger, TheatreStorm
“Tautly directed by Stuart Bousel, this production benefits from Custom Made’s tiny performance space, which only heightens the overall sense of paranoia, magnifies the delusional behavior, and exposes the instances of religious persecution…. This is a production of worthy of any serious theatregoer’s attention.” George Heymont, My Cultural Landscape
“The Crucible is an American classic worth seeing.” – Linda Ayres-Frederick, ForAllEvents
“Custom Made Theatre is to be commended for taking on such a hefty work. Productions of Arthur Miller plays seem about as rare as hen’s teeth now in San Francisco. This is powerful, if uneven, production that the company is presenting. Director Stuart Bousel has put a modern touch on this production” -Richard Connema, ForAllEvents

by Brian | Mar 24, 2014 | Blog, Top Girls, Uncategorized
Reviews are coming for TOP GIRLS!
Charles Kruger says “”In short, this is a complex, weighty and challenging play. It is just the sort of politically charged, intellectually bracing work that is the calling card of Custom Made Theatre Company. Audiences who seek out work with substantial intellectual and political content will be pleased and excited.”
Richard Connema says “Cary Cronholm Rose captures excellently the hidden regrets of the go-getting Marlene in the second and third act. Cat Luedtke rages with justified wrath with her sister Joyce in these acts and Katie Robbins is both mystified and touching as the daughter Angie.”
by Brian | Apr 4, 2013 | Awards, Blog, Uncategorized
Putting us in the same company as ACT, Berkeley Rep and SF Playhouse as the most nominated companies in town, Custom Made was well loved in the <100 seat category getting 15 nominations, a record for the company!
The awards ceremony will be in early May, but in the meantime congratulations to all the deserving nominees!
Sarah Phykitt- Set Design (Little Brother)
Brian Katz – Director (A Bright Room Called Day)
Miyuki Bierlin Costume Design ( Little Brother)
Daniel Petzoid- Featured Male Actor (Little Brother)
Andrea Schwartz – Lighting Design (A Bright Room Called Day)
Krista Smith Lighting Design (Little Brother)
Maxx Kurzunski Lighting Design ( Merchant of Venice)
Brendan Aanes Sound Design (A Bright Room Called Day)
Chris Houston Sound Design (Little Brother)
Maxx Kurzunski (Video/Puppet Design) Specialties (A Bright Room Called Day)
Pauline Luppert (Video Design) Specialties (Little Brother);
The Play About the Baby (Ensemble)
Linda Ayres-Frederick Principal Female (The Play About The Baby)
Richard Aiello Principal Male-Straight (The Play About The Baby)
Overall Production – The Play About the Baby
by Brian | Jul 15, 2012 | Blog, The Merchant of Venice, Uncategorized
2nd review for Merchant, is more measured, but still positive. Read up on his thoughts and then come to Merchant to make up your own mind!
” Custom Made is noted for its daring productions and this Merchant of Venice is worth seeing…”
Read the review here!